Results on November 2013 PST Management Survey
PST Management Survey
A recent survey administered by Sherpa Software in November 2013 asked IT Managers questions relating to their PST management needs and future plans. More than 65 industry professionals participated and shared their insights. See below for the questions asked and the results of the survey.
How many PST files are you currently managing?
- Under 100 (25)
- 100-500 (19)
- 500-1000 (9)
- Greater than 1000 (11)
Where are your PST files Located?
- User desktops (9)
- Network file shares (15)
- Both (41)
- not Sure (4)
What is the time scale for your PST project?
- 0-6 months (16)
- 6-12 months (13)
- 1-2 Years (20)
- Other (20)
How do you plan to discover PST Data?
- Conduct network searches (28)
- Use a desktop management tool (15)
- Not sure (22)
- Poll desktop users (4)
Do you plan to delete PST data?
- Yes, prior to migration (2)
- Yes, after migration (10)
- No (6)
- Not sure (7)
If you plan to migrate PST data, what is the destination?
- Exchange mailbox 32%
- Exchange Archive 26%
- Office 365 11%
- Other email 11%
- Not sure 16%
- N/A 5%
If migrating PST files, do you plan to:
- Deduplicate data (23)
- Filter data by some other criteria (13)
- Filter data by date (16)
- Migrate all data (43)
Please share this information with your colleagues and send us your questions, comments and feedback to: waynes@flexnetcom. Additionally, we appreciate your time and look forward to answering any PST management questions you may have; contact us at 1 (800) 263-8733.
See more at:
PST Management Survey