Hot Desk Hording, how do you control it?
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Some of our customers who have implemented hot-desking and hoteling station solutions are running into problems with hot desk hording by their staff. Hot desk hording occurs when staff members arrives early on a given day to claim their workspace. This is done by placing their jacket or knapsack on it, it is then viewed as claimed and for others, not available. Hence, hot desk hording ensures they have a desk when they need it, even though they maybe attending a 6 hour meeting elsewhere. As a result, this causes frustration for other staff who only need one for two hours during that same period and can’t find one.
Consequently, they end up sitting on the floor with their laptop on their knees working in a very uncomfortable space. Most importantly, they are constantly distracted looking for a free hot-desk, resulting in reduced focus on their tasks, which limits their productivity. Additionally, hot desk hording often results in complaints from other staff members.
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There are three main reasons why this happens,
1) Not enough hotdesk/hoteling stations available for the number of staff members who need the use of Hot-desks
2) There isn’t any effective workspace booking technology in place to manage these workspaces
3) Policies and procedures to manage these workspaces are not enforced.
How to manage them more effectively?
First of all, to manage hot desk hording more effectively, it is important to get an accurate view of how the hot-desks/hoteling stations are currently being used. This would include peak time, non-peak time use, duration of use and the people using them. This information can determine, if additional permanent workspaces are needed or if portable workspace are required for peak time use.
Second, implement booking technologies to manage these workspaces to reduce hot desk hording. For example, Qubi provides check in-check out capabilities of workspaces and conference rooms. Additionally, ResourceXpress provides on demand booking of all resources as well. It allows a user to book a hot desk or hoteling station and if they don’t check-in within a pre-defined period of time, the workspace is released from the booking and available for use. The check-in and out is accomplished via Qubi or their mobile device.
Third, develop internal policies and procedures which prohibit hot desk hording which include specific penalties if frequent occurrences take place.
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These are some options which will help with hot desk hording. For further information about our Hoteling and Hot-Desking solutions, please click on these links Resource Central , Qubi and ResourceXpress. Or, go to our web site at and click on the following links advanced room and hotdesk booking and on-demand booking through Outlook and Exchange.
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